Weekly Photo Challenge: Opportunity


Opportunity . . . such a lovely open word, full of promise and possibility but so fleeting.

Here in New York the streets are full of opportunity and no more so than in the faces of the people who walk the streets. I say New York if only because it is where I happen to be at the moment, it could be any street, any face anywhere . . . but, the past month or so has seen the occupation of a space in New York, Zuccotti Park, and in this place people have come together from the various wherevers of home and place.

The soundtrack to this collection comes from the Drum Circle whereby an ever-changing cast beats the beat in an energetic rhythm of  a tightly organised, tied to the tempo, improv combo of sound which somehow magically combines to become music.

For the woman in this photo, listening was not enough.  She had to dance and dance she did.  Beautifully, elegantly and with a style so obvious in her smile.

She took the opportunity to dance in the sunshine and, in doing so, she gave me the opportunity to capture her joy, pleasure and enthusiasm in being one person.  Herself.  Simple and lovely.

Dancing Woman, Zuccotti Park